I woke up the other day and thought: "omg! It's August! There's only 4 more months till Christmas!"
Yes Jamie, I hear you |
So in order to avoid the Search for Red (yarn/clay/paint) October I've efficiently decided to start a bit early this year. & since it's Augus I can safely make extravagant claims of what I'm going to do. It's stretch goals for crafting. New planning technique, oh yeah.
For this Christmas I'm not even going to try to outdo what I did last year for a couple of my friends. I made them "Wine Emergency" Kits which I'm so sad I didn't take better pictures of because they were awesome. Which should be apparent from the name; it's associated with wine. And included emergency chocolate. How much better can it get?
One of the 2 pictures of the wine emergency kit in existence. I beaded the fork; it took ages |
A lot better than that picture.
I'm a sucker for maximizing anything I buy. Through the coupon-enabled purchase through the final intended use of the product to the "...I don't want to really throw it away..." So when my candles look like sad versions of their former selves:
When burnout is a good thing |
I recycle them!
Aunt's gift; check |
Man, it feels so good to reuse things. Makes me able to justify my almost borderline pyro habits when it comes to candles. The other good part about reusing the glass votives is it's like you're almost cheating; you're getting a free (ok "free") medium on which to try techniques. So the crackle nail polish does not crackle on glass? *shrug* The etching mask slipped a bit? Looks like I now have a candle for my bathroom were it can hide and you get take 2.
Oh hey! |
The possibilities are endless. Endless until the you realize that you're only 1/8 way through burning the next candle.
Faster! You're fire! BURN! |
Until then, here are some ways you can keep busy while the candle is burning the 3:30 (you can choose am or pm) oil. To get the votives ready for crafting use you've got to get the left over wax out. There a couple different techniques but the one that makes the most sense to me is to melt it out. I mean you could scrape it if you have patience but I don't think it's worth it. Turn on the oven to 200. Line a baking dish with tin foil making a "bowl" or essentially covering the bottom & working up the sides slightly to create a lip.
Make sure to turn up the edges. We're going for bowl |
Place the votives upside down in the tray and put it in the oven. Let it sit for about 10 minutes. You can check it at intervals; the important thing we're looking for is all the wax to be out of the votives.
This is an example of it NOT being ready. |
Bonus points for getting the wick out. The wick is held in place with some industrial strength glue, and if you leave the votives in the oven long enough, the heat will make the glue melt. Sometimes all you have to do is wiggle it when heated and it comes off too.
This is an example of it ready |
Quick! Before the wax solidifies! We've got 2 things to do! 1) wipe out all the wax from the votives so it doesn't solidify in a thin layer around the inside of the inside. It's very very hot, use a potholder
Burn wax, not your fingers. |
2) we've now got a tin foil boat of hot wax. Now can we use this wonderful repository of raw materials? Why yes, we can. Since we're currently not melting new wax for candles we're going to make fire starters! Take cotton pads and submerge them into the melted wax. You want to gather as much of the wax as you can, so just keep dropping them in until the wax is pretty much used up.
The freshest smelling campfire you'll ever have. |
Now we have it: it's (mostly) clean glass. & it only took 20 hours and 10 minutes. Totally worth it.
Now to decorate! Because I had 2 different types of glasses, I decided to use 2 different techniques and continue my quest to etch everything glass I can get my hands on. I used a dragonfly stencil on the larger votives (courtesy of Febreeze) and the names of my friends on the smaller ones (courtesy of Glade)
FYI: It's really hard to take pictures of etching |
I can see you guys wondering if this is how I'm leaving them. To that I chuckle a bit and reassure you that I'm not giving up on such an easy point in the crafting process. Me? Keep it easy? *waves hand* It's only August!
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